It is possible that you upgraded one email account but are trying to use it under another. You can link other emails to your premium account on the settings page of the upgraded account. If you use FollowUpThen under different email addresses, try logging in under each of those emails […]
When I upgrade, my other email address get upgraded as well?
Yes. All addresses you have linked with your primary account will be upgraded as well. Read more about linked accounts.
Forgot password / trouble signing in
The simplest solution: we can email you a link to reset your password. If you think your situation might not be that simple, you could be right! Because FollowUpThen can be used with multiple email addresses, you might have different accounts for each of your emails. This is easily remedied […]
How do I delete my account?
Please contact us to delete your account. Per GDPR requirements, account deletion permanently erases all personal information from our system.
How do I change / switch my email address?
In short: Add your new email on your settings page, validate it, then make that new address your primary email. Detailed instructions are below… Login under your existing account On the “My Emails” section of your settings page add your new email address. Confirm the account link by clicking on the confirmation […]
How does a company / team account add users?
Log in and visit your team settings page. Then scroll down and find the “Team Members” section. If you don’t see the “Team” link? This means that someone else is the administrator, or you don’t have a company account. Take a look at the right-hand bar on the general settings […]
How do I unlink one of my email addresses?
On your settings page there is an “Alternate Email Addresses” section. Find the email you’d like to unlink and simply click “unlink”. Once unlinked, this email will be its own independent, empty account. If you’d like to login to that new account (to delete it, manage it separately, etc) you […]
Why am I am seeing errors with my followup?
In-Followup Errors This type of error occurs when your followup tries to use a service that is not yet set up or that is not yet included in your plan. For example, if you send a message to but your phone is not yet set up, we send back […]
I use multiple email accounts. Can I merge or link them with my FollowUpThen account?
Yes! Simply login and scroll down to the “Email Addresses” section. Juggling multiple FollowUpThen accounts can be tricky – it may seem like settings are not working, or that your followups are suddenly missing when in actual fact you are just logged into a different account. Linking your accounts brings […]
My calendar feed isn’t (or is partially) working.
The first thing to know is that different calendar programs update from external calendars at different rates. Google Calendar, unfortuately, is one of the worst, pulling a new feed from us every ~6 hours. Most client programs (iCal, Outlook, etc) have a setting for this. So if you are seeing […]