Pricing Guide

Updated 4 Aug 2022 | Read about the new version on our blog.

The new FollowUpThen pricing is simple, modular and affordable. Here is how it works:

A crane building software with cool software bricks

Base Plan
Every paid user has the same base plan.

Pay for extra functionality à la carte or as part of package.

This pricing model even applies to our new team plans – each team member can have a custom price based on their unique productivity needs.


Below is our latest pricing. Monthly and yearly billing options are available. All pricing (both in the app in this article) are shown as monthly rates for ease of comparison.

Base Plan | $4/mo (annual) or $5/mo (monthly)
All of basic functionality is included (attachments, calendar integration, tasks, cancellation, recurring followups) at a reasonable price. It is simple, affordable and solves a common, simple need: Following up.

Skills | $2~20/mo
Depending on your unique inbox need, “Skills” (ex, response detection, sms and calendar integration) can be added to improve your workflow. Billed à la carte.

Free Forever Plan | $0 
If you don’t need any of our premium features, and you followups stay below 50 active followups per month, you are welcome to use our free plan.


Is there a free trial?
Yes, all plans come with a 14-day free trial. You are free to experiment with any skill, free of charge, within your trial period. Cancel before the trial is over and you will be charged nothing.

What is an “active followup”?
Any followup we are saving for you during that month, regardless of whether it is sent or scheduled that month. Read more

How to create a team account?
Every paid account comes with a “Teams” section. In other words, if you are not a team member of another account, you already are a team owner. Each team member you add to your account adds the cost of a Base Plan  (once they accept the invite). Provide the team member an optional budget for optional paid skills. Read more

What if I exceed these limits?
Contact us!

How can I try out a skill?
Trying a skill within your trial period is free. Trying a skill after your trial is over will charge your account on a pro-rated basis. If you try a skill for a day and decide it’s not for you, it may cost 10-15 cents (see below). The remaining amount will be credited to your account and deducted from your next charge.

How am I billed if I want to try a skill?
In short, everything is pro-rated. When you install a new skill, a subscription is started. The first charge is pro-rated to account for any unused part of the current billing cycle. If you choose to remove the skill, any unused portion of that upgrade is credited back to your account.

For example, someone wants to try a skill for only one day. (To demonstrate pro-rating, we will say they are half-way through their existing monthly billing cycle:

  • They are immediately charged a pro-rated portion of the Skill cost – in this case, 50%.
  • They use the skill for one day, incurring 1/30th of the subscription cost of the skill.
  • They unsubscribe from the skill, resulting in the pro-rated payment (minus the 1/30th subscription cost) being issued as an account credit.

You can see these account credits under the upcoming Invoice link on your billing page. When adding new skills, if you have an account credit that covers the complete amount of the next charge, it will be used first, saving unnecessary charges, refunds and bank fees.  Read more on how account credits are used and how company accounts are billed.